Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

[C665.Ebook] Fee Download Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language

Fee Download Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language

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Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language

Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language

Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language

Fee Download Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language

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Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language

Ultimate French has everything you need to learn French from scratch or to revive the French that you learned years ago. This course combines conversation and culture in an easy-to-follow, enjoyable, and effective format. It's the perfect way to learn French for school, travel, work, or personal enrichment.

Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate includes:

•40 lessons in a comprehensive 416-page textbook:

Each lesson contains a lively and authentic dialogue, vocabulary, grammar and usage, step-by-step character writing, cultural highlights, and plenty of practice. The first ten lessons also include special pronunciation sections that will have you speaking right from the beginning. The book also contains review sections, readings, supplemental vocabulary sections, appendixes on essential French grammar, and a
French-English/English-French glossary.

•8 hours of recordings with an ingenious two-step approach:

Learn at home: Listen to the first set of recordings as you follow along in your textbook. Immerse yourself in French while you listen and repeat with the all-French recordings, and learn conversation, grammar, vocabulary, and more

Learn on the go: Then practice, review, and expand upon what you’ve learned with the second set of recordings. An instructor will guide you through each lesson, and since no reading is required, you can listen in the car, on the train, at the gym…anywhere!

  • Sales Rank: #1451925 in Books
  • Published on: 2004-09-21
  • Released on: 2004-09-21
  • Formats: Large Print, Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.27" h x 2.35" w x 9.15" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 448 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
An excellent introduction to spoken and written French
By Gordon Trunk
As I write this, I'm a little over halfway through this program, and I am very pleased with it. The four CDs for use with the book are very clear and useful in helping to pronounce French correctly. The book is an excellent text-all points of grammar are explained clearly and plenty of examples are given to illustrate how to use the language correctly. The dialogues are easy to learn and very practical-they contain things that the average person would actually talk about when visiting a French-speaking area; topics such as food, shopping, buying train tickets, sightseeing, and so forth. The book also contains an excellent and useful appendix, which recaps points of grammar and has a section on letter writing.

So why four stars instead of five? My main criticism concerns the "Learn as you Go" CDs. I do not find these terribly helpful. They contain extra phrases like "The chair is made of mahogany" that the average user is extremely unlikely to need, and that with no transcription whatever, so it's hard to say if you've repeated it correctly or not. I think the "Learn on the Go" CDs could have been put to much better use recording the many grammatical examples in the text. In their defense, they do go over the pronunciation of new verb conjugations as they are introduced, and that IS very helpful. The space on these four CDs could, however, in general have been much better used.

The book does have a few minor flaws. For instance, in one early dialogue the year 1960 is said, at a point when only the numbers up to 19 have been taught (and in French, 1960 is said as one thousand nine hundred sixty). There are a few other things that would confuse a complete newcomer to French, though if you've had any exposure to French before the book won't give you any trouble. Even if you are completely new to French, I would still recommend this product. If you make it through the first few units it will go very easily afterward if you stick with it. Also, though the course is self-contained, I would strongly recommend getting a dictionary and a verb guide to go with it. Then you will have all the tools you need to learn basic French independently.

This course's few flaws are far outweighed by its many good points. It is enjoyable to use and very informative. It demands effort, of course-like everything worth doing. I believe this is the best self-teaching course for French available, and I look forward to moving on to the Advanced set soon.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Nice textbook
By El Lobo Rojo
Great book so far. I'm using this as a reference alongside Duolingo to brush up on my French. It's a solid text book.

108 of 113 people found the following review helpful.
Another French teacher who loved it!!!
By T'Pau, High Priestess of Logic
I loved, loved, loved this package! In fact, I'll have to buy a new book soon since my old one is so worn out from nights of study and review. This set, to me, is so much better than Pimsleur. It all depends on what you wish to learn. Pimsleur is all audio, so from a purely conversion vantage it might be better for tourists, but it doesn't teach you the ins and outs of the language. Grammar is basic (sometimes non existent). This is the exact opposite. You learn the language properly, by learning how to build it noun by verb etc. It's the way that every child should be taught his primary language (but seldom is, hence Prof. Higgins' rant!). After completing this course (which, if you're studying it thoroughly, should be at the rate of a lesson a week), you will have all the tools you need to construct sentences in several forms of the past, present, and future, as well as having a very solid foundation for pronunciating (most students biggest complaint about French) correctly. I bought this set my senior year of high school to prepare me for college French, and I must say, I learned more from this set than I did all four years of high school French and the first year of college. If you really want to lay the ground work for French fluency, voici le livre!!!

See all 27 customer reviews...

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[C665.Ebook] Fee Download Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language Doc

[C665.Ebook] Fee Download Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language Doc

[C665.Ebook] Fee Download Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language Doc
[C665.Ebook] Fee Download Ultimate French Beginner-Intermediate (CD/Book) (Ultimate Beginner-Intermediate), by Living Language Doc

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